January 2024
2023 has come to an end, but we at Family Promise of Birmingham are working daily to help those in need. We continue to serve vulnerable families by helping them avoid homelessness and provide stability. We saw our Homeless Prevention Assistance (HPA) program grow tremendously throughout the past year.
During 2023, we assisted 97 families (347 individuals, 239 of those were children) by providing rent, mortgage, utility, and transportation assistance totaling $64,631.
Through the HPA/Rehousing programs, Family Promise of Birmingham provides "Community Case Management" to many. This includes services such as referrals to food banks, help accessing clothing, referrals for furniture, mental health services, help filling out employment applications, explanation of rights as provided by McKinney Vento Act, Alabama Tenants Rights, use of a telephone, internet/computer, and general advocacy.
The need for homeless prevention assistance is overwhelming. The families we have been able to help are so grateful and often let us know the impact Family Promise of Birmingham has had in their lives.
This email was received from a young mother that received our assistance:
"MS. Rana, I wanted to thank you so much for helping me and my kids. By you helping me I have had a chance to find reasonable daycare and increase my job search. If I can be a blessing to you in anyway just let us know. We thank you for giving us this opportunity live and grow."
Without your generous support, this much needed assistance wouldn't be possible. Please consider donating and partnering with us as we continue our mission of building community and strengthening lives. You can donate online at our website www.familypromisebham.org and click the Give Now button or mail your check to Family Promise of Birmingham at our address below.

Thursday, March 14th will be our Spring Breakfast.
Plan to join us at The Club at 7:30am to celebrate our 26 year history.
Tickets will go on sale February 1st, but seating is limited so mark your calendars now!
*If you have a special photo or memory of your time serving with us, please reach out to Paula Williamson at Bookkeeper@Familypromisebham.org to share.
We hope to see you there!!